Craig Andrews

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Problem 5 - Smallest multiple

31 May 2016 » python, euler

Problem 4 gave us an interesting performance issue to chew on. Problem 5 does not give us that to worry about, and is altogether a simpler affair.

2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.

What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?

The simplest, and wrong, solution is to just calculate 20!. This is the product of all the numbers from 1 to 20, but it’s not the lowest that divides by each of them.

The brute force solution may be to start at 20 and increment, checking for each new value whether it divides evenly by all numbers 1 to 20. An alternative may involve using prime factors to save having to divide by numbers that are a product of primes (e.g. 20 is the product of 2, 2 and 5).

But in the end I realised that there’s a simpler way. It’s a little brute force, but involves brute forcing the multiplier rather than the predicate.

The algorithm looks something like this:

    total = 1

    for n in 2 to 20
        for m in 1 to n
            if total * m divides by n
                total = total * m

That is to say, starting with a total of 1, loop through the numbers 2 to 20 and multiply the total by the lowest value that results in a total that divides by the number being tested. Given that a number multiplied by an integer will only ever gain, and never lose, divisors it’s a good way to ensure divisibility with each number 1 to 20 and also each number before it.


I’ve had to type something like x % y == 0 to test divisibility a few times. It is getting dull. So I’ve added a function. euler.math.divides_by takes two ints and returns True if the first can be evenly divided by the second.

    >>> divides_by(3, 2)
    >>> divides_by(4, 2)

End Aside

So to implement the previously mentioned algorithm I use reduce to iterate over the numbers 2 to 20 with a starting value of 1 and a function to do the multiplication.

    from functools import reduce
    from euler.math import divides_by

    def smallest_multiple(limit):
        def multiply_by_lowest_int(total, n):
            lowest_multiplier = next(m for m in range(1, n + 1)
                                     if divides_by(total * m, n))
            return total * lowest_multiplier

        return reduce(multiply_by_lowest_int,
                      range(2, limit + 1), 1)

This gives the correct answer of 232792560 in 1ms.