Craig Andrews

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Get up and Go(pher)!

05 Jul 2016 » go, euler

I have decided to learn Go. This decision may come back to haunt me.

Make yourself comfortable. This is a long one.

Gopher It

Why do this to yourself?

Why learn Go? Why not learn Go? Lots of people rave about how amazingly productive they are, how easy concurrency is, how clean and easy to read it is, and how great the tooling is.

Other people rave about how much of a regression it is. How it focuses on coders typing code, not coders getting things done. How it nonchalantly discards years of programming language development because some people are just really nostalgic for the 80s.

I’m so trendy

Over the last few years I’ve noticed a distinct trend in programming language development. Well, a couple of trends. The first is that the mainstream (and less mainstream) ones are becoming more and more alike. Java 8, C#, Swift are all so similar. And depending on your background you’ll see they’re similar also to Scala, or Python, or Ruby, or whatever your poison.

The second trend is that, in fact, many of the problems we’ve solved in the last decade only appeared the decade before. Tail call optimisation, pure functions and stateless development, share-nothing concurrency, code-as-data, microservices; all these things existed in the 80s. They are not 00s developments. We just forgot because the 90s were a terrible, terrible time for software development.

What happened in the 90s? C++, Java and OOP took hold. It was awful. Good practice thrown out in favour of this “obvious” improvement to software development. Oh, and XML. Reinventing SGML one feature at a time while providing none of its elegance. There is a wealth of information about why OOP sucks.

That was then …

So here we are in the 10s. We’ve learned a thing or two. Old style programming is making a comeback. Lisp, Clojure, Elm, Elixir, Erlang, Scheme, Haskell, F# and the like are reclaiming, and sometimes literally reviving, older languages for the modern age.

Go is the antithesis of OOP. It doesn’t do abstraction. At least, not in the way OOP enthusiasts mean it. It doesn’t do code that describes what, only how. It actively avoids immutability or statelessness. It looks like C with less of the memory management, and only a small fraction of the keywords. Sure, it avoids the pitfalls of OOP, but at what cost? It’s surely a toy language built for people who would rather write more code, not less, to get things done?

How to get started

So given I had decided to subject myself to this throwback of throwbacks, how was I to get started? First things first, the Golang tutorial. I was impressed by this, not because of the language it describes necessarily (although a language that can be described in as few steps as this might be OK) but because I genuinely found that it was a good introduction to everything. I felt confident stepping out on my own, with the tutorial to refer back to, and building stuff.

I’ll keep a tally, I think. A score for For and Against. The tutorial is an immediate point for the For camp.

For 1 - 0 Against

Troubles with tools

Go has a multitude of tools. It’s often said that its tooling is its greatest asset, along with the tininess of the language. Most of the useful tools are actually built into the go command itself, providing a one-stop shop for most of your development needs. Some of its features include:

  • a build system, no Make/maven/ant nonsense here
  • documentation on tap, like pydoc
  • a fix tool to upgrade your code to newer API versions automatically
  • a package manager
  • an installer
  • a test runner
  • a whole treasure trove of utilities such as coverage generator, profiler, tracer, asm and linker

Aside from the go command a bunch of standard stuff seems to be included. Things like an automatic code formatter to ensure you never fail a code review because you missed some whitespace ever again. An imports manager that keeps the imports list in trim and readable. And the very useful Delve debugger that seems to integrate nicely with IDEs and the commandline alike.

The only major gripe I have is that there is no REPL. Given that the Go playground exists and you can even run a presentation with runnable Go snippets build right in with Go Present it seems an odd omission. Maybe it just doesn’t suit a line based REPL but a block based scratch environment works better? I don’t know but it would be nice to have something that doesn’t need me to be online.

Who gets the point, then? I can’t help but think it’s heavily in the For direction. A lack of REPL is annoying but there are workarounds. The other stuff is just much nicer than anything to have ever come out of any Java or C# project ever.

For 2 - 0 Against

Project Geuler

To experiment with Go code of my own, and to see how it deals with such list-based things as pretty much every Euler problem, I created Geuler. I wanted Euler.go to complement but that caused the compiler to throw a wobbly because it kept trying to compile directories and binaries as code.

I implemented the first 10 Euler problems just to get a feel for it, and just for a laugh I made them all run at the same time by running each one in a goroutine, using a channel to gather the results. I was particularly pleased with how much faster things working with primes ended up by running my Sieve Of Eratosthenes prime generator in a background thread. In fact I was very happy with performance all round.

Overall I was pretty impressed with how concise the code turned out. I expected it to be sprawling with nonsensical mutable variables being used for state tracking, and there was a bit of that. But by and large I found ways around it and only used as many variables as the Python equivalents. Pretty smart.

No score for this one. The results will fall out over the next few bits.

Coding style

There is a lot of enforcement in Go. Unused variables and imports are banned. Tabs are used instead of spaces. Parens are never used for if and for, but are always used for functions. Curlies are always used no matter what.

A lot of this stuff I don’t mind. In a modern editor, tabs v spaces is neither here nor there. Curlies are managed automatically. And I never much cared for parens around ifs.

But … it uses CamelCase. Everywhere. EverythingIsSquashedIntoSingleBlocksOfCharacters. ItIsRidiculouslyHardToReadThem. IDoNotCareWhatAnyoneSays.

That’s a mark Against.

For 2 - 1 Against

For the love of loops

For loops. The Go blurb proudly proclaims that Go only supports one iteration primitive because that’s all you’ll ever need. Go tell that to the LISP lot who have no iteration primitives at all.

So for loops then. In practice Go has three types of for loop, so it’s a bit cheeky to suggest that by using the same keyword for 3 types of loop that they’ve only got one type of loop. These types are:

  • The C for x:=0; x<0; x++ {}
  • The While-style for x < something {
  • The Ranger for ix, x := range someIterableThing {

The range operator in particular is interesting to me. It appears to create, presumably with a closure, an iterator and each run through the loop it will act as a call to next() on the iterator. Once all the things in the iterable things are exhausted, the loop ends. It returns two values, one of which is the index. If you don’t want the index, you have to assign it to _. It feels messy. Also I constantly forget and end up iterating over indices of arrays rather than values.

So it does support some sort of list processing. All the talk I heard made me think I’d need to have loads of index variables littering my code for every loop I build.

But consider if you didn’t have to build a loop for everything. Even now, writing this post after a fairly decent size Go project, I am fed up of writing for loops. It would be lovely not to have to. Especially when I find that I’m writing the same basic three a lot:

    // total = reduce(operator.mul, inputs, 1)
    total := 1
    for _, x := range inputs {
        total *= x

    // doubled = [x * 2 for x in inputs]
    doubled := make([]int, len(inputs))
    for i, x := range inputs {
        doubled[i] = x * 2

    // filtered = [x for x in inputs if x % 2 == 0]
    filtered := make([]int, 0)
    for _, x in range inputs {
        filtered = append(filtered, x * 2)

And of course I can combine them …

    // doubled_evens = (x * 2 for x in inputs if x % 2 == 0)
    // total = reduce(operator.mul, doubled_evens, 1)
    total := 1
    for _, x := range inputs {
        if x % 2 == 0 {
            total *= x * 2

I’m sure that this is entirely subjective. Some will prefer the commented out Python because it describes what it’s trying to achieve:

double the value of each even number in input
find the product of the doubled evens

whereas the Go describes how it achieves it:

for every value in range check if it is even
if it is even multiply the total by double the value

I don’t think there will ever be consensus on which is better but my personal preference is the former. Also note that the Python version uses a generator expression for lazy evaluation so the list of doubled even inputs never actually exists. It just gets generated on demand.

Of course, we could write it to use recursion so we at least avoid mutable state:

    func ProductOfDoubledEvens(inputs []int) int {
        if len(inputs) == 0 {
            return 1

        if inputs[0]%2 == 0 {
            return (2 * inputs[0]) * ProductOfDoubledEvens(inputs[1:])
        } else {
            return ProductOfDoubledEvens(inputs[1:])

It ends up slightly longer, and just as single purpose. More on that later.

For 2 - 2 Against

Generically grim

The question, then, is why we have to use for loops for every sort of iteration. I mean, we could use recursion, and as demonstrated it would remove mutable state for at least some classes of problem. But what about general purpose solutions.

Consider this simple implementation of reduce:

    func reduce(fn func(int, int) int, inputs []int, accumulator int) int {
        if len(inputs) == 0 {
            return accumulator
        return fn(inputs[0], reduce(fn, inputs[1:], accumulator))

Looks good, right? Wrong. It has a subtle bug. It only works for commutative operators. If fn depends on the order of the list to get the right answer, it will be wrong because it actually iterates backwards.

A better version is:

    func reduce(fn func(int, int) int, inputs []int, accumulator int) int {
        if len(inputs) == 0 {
            return accumulator
        return reduce(fn, inputs[1:], fn(accumulator, inputs[0]))

See the difference? I said it was subtle. And that’s the problem with roll-your-own. It’s very easy to make very basic mistakes. You want a decent standard library to do this for you.

But how can it? What if you want to do something that works with strings, or floats, or GargleBlasters? What if you want your inputs to be GarbleBlasters and your output be a BowlOfPetunias? Well, you can’t. You have to be explicit about what types you accept and what types you return right from the off, else use interface{} and lose all type safety.

The problem is that of generics. To write a truly generic version of reduce you need to be able to specify input type on a generic interface, and output type on the function itself. Like this.

    func reduce<I, O>(fn func(O, I) O, inputs iterable<I>, accumulator O) O {
        if len(inputs) == 0 {
            return accumulator
        return reduce(fn, tail(inputs), fn(accumulator, head(inputs)))

head() and tail() would return the first, and all but the first, elements respectively.

The code above is not valid Go, and it is not possible to have generic functions. Everything must be utterly bespoke to the task at hand, so everything must be written over and over for each new situation.

But let’s look on the bright side; if you write a custom reduce function for exactly one scenario, you can give it a nice semantic name to make the calling code more readable!

For 2 - 3 Against

Digging channels

It’s time for something new, now. Channels. Channels are the pièce de résistance of the Go toolbox. They are strongly typed, buffered, blocking conduits of information to pass between goroutines, the other half of Go’s fabled concurrency genius.

I had a play with channels with the Geuler project and they worked pretty well. I have used Ruby’s Queue to great effect and as far as I can see they are pretty much identical to them in practice. A thread-safe way to pass information between concurrent function calls with blocking and buffering to allow control to go where it needs to.

So they’re not really anything new. That’s fine, nothing in Go is particularly new, I think. Even goroutines are just syntactic sugar around threads. But don’t knock it; having channels and goroutines with such accessible syntax makes them very easy to use. It lets responsibility be handed off very safely.

Dubious example time:

    func thinDoerDispatcher(incoming <-chan int, outgoing chan<- string) {
        for i := range incoming {
            outgoing <- doLongRunningThing(i)

This describes a read-only channel of integers, a write-only channel of strings, and a potentially long running function in the middle. The function, then, is totally separated from the rest of the program and is allowed to do its thing completely without concern for the synchronisation of the threads.

My only issue with channels is that it’s very easy to accidentally deadlock the program and cause a panic by exhausting a channel and not closing it. Having to manually close a channel is something Ruby Queue or Python yield users just don’t have to worry about.

That said, goroutines and channels are nice. I do like them.

For 3 - 3 Against


On the subject of channels, I discovered a nice pattern to use channels as a form of generator while manipulating lazily evaluated, potentially infinite sequences.

The trick is to return a channel that is written to by a goroutine that closes over it. This puts control of closing the channel in the control of the function that created it.

    // This generator is infinite
    func Fibonacci() (fib chan int) {
        fib = make(chan int)
        go func() {
            x := 0
            y := 1
            fib <- x
            for {
                x, y = y, x + y
                fib <- x

    // This generator doesn't know if it's infinite or not
    func Double(input chan int) (doubled chan int) {
        doubled = make(chan int)
        go func() {
            for x := range input {
                doubled <- x * 2

    // This generator is not infinite
    func Take(n int, ch chan int) (taken chan int) {
        taken = make(chan int)
        go func() {
            for x := 0; x < n; x++ {
                // Do you like my double arrow?
                taken <- <- ch

    // This converts a finite channel to an array
    func ChanToArray(ch chan int) []int {
        a := make([]int, 0)
        for x := range ch {
            a = append(a, x)
        return a

    func main() {
        fmt.Println(ChanToArray(Take(10, Double(Fibonacci()))))
        // Output: [0 2 2 4 6 10 16 26 42 68]

And there we have it. Infinite sequences, potentially infinite mappers, a filter and a way to close the whole thing down. And thanks to the range operator I didn’t need to manually close except the one with a hard limit.

The syntax is a bit ugly, to be fair. An anonymous function that has to be called immediately doesn’t seem great. However, given that each of the channels could be easily buffered to allow background generation of values, potentially on a different CPU, it could be nice from a concurrency point of view.

So does Go deserve another point for being able to do this? Oh, go on then.

For 4 - 3 Against


For my next trick, and to start to get more of a feel for how Go performs in real world scenarios, I thought I’d try something useful. So I built Qbot, a Slack bot for managing contended resources in development teams (for example, merge tokens).

It has a lot more stuff in it. Fewer channels, interestingly, but the ones it does use it uses for good effect, keeping the bot responses snappy and not held up by unrelated activity. Updating the user cache, for example, or serialisation, does not slow down message processing.

The Queue type is designed to be immutable, always returning a copy from the various associated functions. Of course, if you dig into the type and manually set values then there’s nothing that can be done to stop you because Go fundamentally doesn’t support immutable values.

Test it out

Testing in Go is, as everything else, stripped down. It has a test runner, and it’s got a couple of extra tricks up its sleeve. It has three modes, test, benchmark and example.

  • The test mode is designed to allow unit testing. Like Python the test files live alongside the source code rather than in a separate structure. I have grown to like this technique.
  • The benchmark mode is very similar except that it is used for benchmarking activities. Given a function that does a thing, a value is passed in to tell it how many times to run. This number is adjusted automatically until the times can be calculated reliably.
  • The example mode is a bit like the test mode, but allows the test to be run as a small program that outputs to stdout. A comment-based assertion then describes what the output should look like. This is compared at test time and an assertion is raised if it’s wrong.

Between these three modes there’s a lot to go at, although I don’t really understand the purpose of the example type. Maybe they get included in documentation? I will have to have a play with it.

The main gripe I have with testing is that there is no built-in assert function. Unlike every single other language in the world, where you would do something like this:

    assert(expected == actual, "Should have been " + actual)

you actually do this:

    if expected != actual {
        t.Errorf("Should have been %s", actual)

Is it the end of the world, having to type an if every time? Maybe not, but it doesn’t half make the tests look a mess. That said, it also forced me to wrap basic asserts in more semantically meaningful helper functions. So, instead of:

    assert(len(arr) == 1 && arr[0] == value)

I could instead use:

    assertWrappedInArray(arr, value)

A lot more useful.

I’m a bit torn on this. The craptacular attitude of “it’s not hard to write more code so why not just do it” is very evident. But on the other hand all this is built in and so provides zero opportunity for mucking up. And it does so little that it can be customised to the Nth degree.

I’ll give a point to For.

For 5 - 3 Against

Bound functions

Bound functions are the Go equivalent of methods. Go doesn’t have classes as such, and certainly doesn’t have things like inheritance or overloading or any of that OOP nonsense. That’s a plus point right away. But it does have bound functions that it refers to as methods. What are they then?

Consider this:

    type MyCounter int

    func Increment(c MyCounter, n int) MyCounter {
        return c + MyCounter(n)

    c := MyCounter(2)
    c = Increment(c, 3)
    // c == 5

Fairly trivial. But what about being able to tell the MyCounter variable to do the increment?

    type MyCounter int

    func (c MyCounter) Increment(n int) MyCounter {
        return c + MyCounter(n)

    c := MyCounter(2)
    c = c.Increment(3)
    // c == 5

Not the most exciting example, but indicative of what methods are in Go. Just functions that happen, by coincidence, to be called in a postfix position on variables of a given type.

It also supports pointers (more on that later) so it is possible to pass by reference and update in place. An in-place updating int.

    type MyCounter int

    func (c *MyCounter) Increment(n int) {
        *c += MyCounter(n)

    c := MyCounter(2)
    *c == 5

Of course, my feelings on mutable state are well known, but it’s possible. If the MyCounter type was a struct rather than an int, it’s possible that holding a pointer to a bit of state could allow us to silo the management of that state into a single package.

Do I think that mutable state is bad? Yes. Do I think it’s unavoidable in many circumstances, especially when communicating with the outside world, a place that is made of nothing but state? Yes.

So I’m glad there is a way to handle passing by reference and updating in place. It can come in handy, and it’s a relatively low-touch way to do it. The pointers aren’t like C pointers. There’s no arithmetic. They’re more like C++ or Java references, the difference being that, like C pointers, a *int is a different type to an int and converting between them is very explicit, like everything else in Go.

For 6 - 3 Against

Codes and Packages and Modules oh my!

Not much to say on code layout. It uses packages. Like everything else, the layout is prescriptive if you want to work within the ecosystem, but you can break out if you want. Nothing is set in stone, but there is a lot of convention around the build tooling.

It’s not the worst layout, but the weird $GOPATH thing where all of your Go projects and all of their dependencies exist in one gigantic directory structure seems weird. And having your public facing source control in the project name is just bizarre. That said, it makes managing it easier.

I just think they missed a trick by not calling it $GOHOME.

For 7 - 3 Against


The philosophy of Go is very nicely summed up in the FAQ on

What are the guiding principles in the design?

Programming today involves too much bookkeeping, repetition, and clerical work. As Dick Gabriel says, “Old programs read like quiet conversations between a well-spoken research worker and a well-studied mechanical colleague, not as a debate with a compiler. Who’d have guessed sophistication bought such noise?” The sophistication is worthwhile — no one wants to go back to the old languages — but can it be more quietly achieved?

Go attempts to reduce the amount of typing in both senses of the word. Throughout its design, we have tried to reduce clutter and complexity. There are no forward declarations and no header files; everything is declared exactly once. Initialization is expressive, automatic, and easy to use. Syntax is clean and light on keywords. Stuttering (foo.Foo* myFoo = new(foo.Foo)) is reduced by simple type derivation using the := declare-and-initialize construct. And perhaps most radically, there is no type hierarchy: types just are, they don’t have to announce their relationships. These simplifications allow Go to be expressive yet comprehensible without sacrificing, well, sophistication.

Another important principle is to keep the concepts orthogonal. Methods can be implemented for any type; structures represent data while interfaces represent abstraction; and so on. Orthogonality makes it easier to understand what happens when things combine.

A very worthy cause, I think. Languages do tend to accrete rather than acquire, to kludge rather than design, to try and add feature ungracefully. And I think the designers are right, the language does need to be small and expressive, not large and complex and confusing like, for sake of argument, Scala.

And given that the language is built for systems programming where type safety is very important, I think it’s a good trade off.

Of course within each community trends crop up. I’ve seen arguments along these lines regularly while looking for Go related hints and tips:

No, Go doesn’t need iterators; for loops are easy to write

No, Go doesn’t need assertions; ifs are easy to write

No, Go doesn’t need a bigger standard library; functions are easy to write

No, Go doesn’t need generics; multiple implementations for each type are easy to write

And, my favourite, paraphrased from a comment in a Google Group chat some time ago when asked why Go doesn’t support aforementioned generics and list processing primitives:

Anyone would think that coders weren’t being paid to code. Of course they are! That’s why Go gives coders the ability to write lots of code. That’s what they are for! Just use for loops and stop complaining!

I’m sure the attitude issues of the community (let’s face it, IT communities have a well deserved terrible reputation) are not shared by the Go team, but that’s what you see on Stack Overflow. But it’s no worse than Apple zealots who simply can’t comprehend why you’d need a feature that Steve had obviously removed for a very good if entirely unfathomable reason.

I might have to give this one to the “For” camp.

For 8 - 3 Against

Personal Opinion

So this is Go. A programming language. It has a lot going for it, for sure. The fact I learned the whole thing, including weirdness like tags on structs when parsing JSON, in about 3 hours is impressive. And being able to grok the type system and the use of channels is minutes is, I’m sure, a credit to the language and tooling more than my addled brain.

And as much as it pains me to say it, I’ve actually quite enjoyed coding with it. The Qbot was thrown together in a very rough form with hardly any thought to structure and, slowly, over a day or two, honed into what I think is pretty good shape.

And the weird thing is, tiny as the language and standard library may be, I implemented the whole thing without any third party packages at all. The only thing I used outside the standard library was; a first party extension.

I was even happy with the Euler implementations, annoyingly, after agonising so long over the Python ones.

Other things I like about Go include:

  • Static compilation so easy to deploy
  • Built-in cross-compilation that’s just an env var away
  • Fast enough compilation that you forget it’s not interpreted
  • Type system that mostly gets out of the ways

For 9 - 3 Against


This would be a conclusion but after this pointless waffle for 5000 words I think concussion fits better. The conclusion is that despite many, many misgivings I actually quite like Go. I like how it just gets out of the way.

I used to think this of Javascript. Looking back I see that was just because Javascript is not as bad as PHP. I quite like Python, but concurrency is a pain and for modern systems programming it’s a must. I know there are… things in Python 3 to simplify, but I’ve used them and frankly channels are easier. And finally I’ve used Ruby for loads of highly concurrent stuff and quite like it, but it’s extra-OOPiness and the fact that it’s just so easy to get into a complete and twisted mess put me off.

Am I conceding to actually liking Go? Like, a lot?

Might be. What of it?