Craig Andrews

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Project Euler in Python

26 May 2016 » python, euler

Today I have decided to start Project Euler from the beginning, this time entirely in Python. I’ve done some of Project Euler before in a mix of Perl, C, Scala and Haskell, but it’s all been very bitty. Most of the time I would determine that the language of choice was too slow and just brute force it in C which would, with some exceptions, be the fastest way to get the job done.

This isn’t a very good way to do it.

I’ve been messing with Python a lot of late and have decided to learn it better. I would also like to figure out the limits of it when it comes to functional programming. There is some support for a functional style, especially because it supports first class and higher order functions, lambdas and excellent list processing primitives in the form of comprehensions and generators.

And so is born. Let’s see how I get on.